Running the Race Articles


Dailymotion | Rumble | Youtube Um milagre é a manifestação da realidade do céu na terra. Em João 14:12, Jesus prometeu que íamos fazer obras maiores das que ele fez. Em Lucas 10:19, ele disse: “Eu lhes dei autoridade para pisarem sobre cobras e escorpiões, e sobre...

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Dailymotion | Rumble | Youtube A miracle is the manifestation of the reality of heaven on earth. In John 14:12, Jesus promised we would do even greater works than He did. In Luke 10:19, He said, “I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over...

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¿Qué es la realidad?

Dailymotion | Rumble | Youtube La realidad va más allá de lo que puedes ver y sentir. La realidad es con quién estás de acuerdo. Mira nomás a Adán y Eva en el Jardín de Edén. Cuando estaban de acuerdo con Dios, todo era perfecto. No había la enfermedad, el sufrimiento...

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O que é a realidade?

Dailymotion | Rumble | Youtube A realidade vai além do que você pode ver e sentir. A realidade é com quem você está de acordo. Só olha para Adão e Eva no Jardim do Éden. Quando concordavam com Deus, tudo era perfeito. Não existia a doença, o sofrimento nem a morte....

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What is reality?

Dailymotion | Rumble | Youtube Reality goes beyond what you can see and feel. Reality is who you agree with. Just look at Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When they agreed with God, everything was perfect. There was no sickness, suffering or death. When they...

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The Great Reset?

Dailymotion | Youtube In late October, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote a letter to President Trump. In it, he warned of the dangers of the so-called Great Reset. He explained, “A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global elite that...

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Confessing the reality of heaven

Dailymotion | Youtube Reality is not only what we see or feel. Reality is also who you agree with: God or Satan. Jesus will return to establish the reality of heaven, the Kingdom, on earth. Until then, we pray that God’s will be done on earth as it already is in...

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Follow the science?

Dailymotion | Youtube “Follow the science” has become a popular catchphrase, but what does it actually mean? Well, there are two kinds of science. Historical science involves piecing together what happened in the past. Since history doesn’t repeat itself, explanations...

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